Custom Video Ads

Increase Your Digital Presence with Custom Video Ads in Australia

At Australian Marketing Funnels, we create captivating Custom Video Ads that engage audiences just like primetime TV commercials.

Our strategic approach combines cinematic quality visuals with data-driven conversion tactics to skyrocket your brand visibility and ROI.

Get a FREE Custom Video Valued at $799 - Limited Time ONLY !

Why Choose Our High-Impact Video Ads

Primetime Quality Visuals

Leverage premium graphics, animations, and editing on par with TV ads to deliver a stunning video experience across digital platforms.

Proven Offer Scripts

Leverage premium graphics, animations, and editing on par with TV ads to deliver a stunning video experience across digital platforms.

Storyboard Mastery

Every great ad starts with an even greater plan. Our storyboards are the blueprint of your success, designed from the ground up to ensure maximum engagement and effectiveness. By optimizing the flow and key messages, we ensure that your VideoAd resonates with the audience and prompts action.

Full Commercial Rights

When you commission a VideoAd with us, it’s yours to own and use as you see fit across any platform without any limitations. Whether it's for your social media, website, or a digital billboard, you have the full commercial rights to extend your reach wherever you choose.

Customization with Your Own Images

Have high-quality images of your own that you would like to feature? We can integrate your existing branding elements and images into the VideoAds, provided they meet our quality standards. This customization allows your ad to feel even more personal and tailored to your brand.

Customization with Your Own Voice

Imagine the power of having your own voice featured in your custom video ad. With our advanced technology, we can clone your voice to create a personalized and authentic experience for your audience. This means that your message will be delivered in your very own voice, making it more engaging and relatable. By using this innovative tool, you can ensure that your video ad truly reflects your brand and leaves a lasting impression on your viewers.

Wide Syndication- Share on all your Channels

We offer options to syndicate your VideoAd across all social media platforms, ensuring your message reaches a broad audience efficiently and effectively.

SEO Boost

Utilize your VideoAd to enhance your local SEO and visibility. Our strategic deployment can help place you on the first page of local Google search results, increasing traffic and potential customer engagement.

The Power of Video in Digital Marketing

Engaging and Persuasive

Video is one of the most engaging forms of content available today. It combines visual and auditory elements that can evoke emotions and persuade more effectively than text or images alone. In fact, viewers are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text format.

Higher Retention Rates

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. This makes VideoAds an excellent tool for communicating complex messages clearly and memorably.

Increases Conversion Rates

Incorporating video on landing pages can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. Videos have been shown to increase consumer understanding of a product or service by 74%, significantly boosting the likelihood of purchase.

Enhances Email Campaigns

Including videos in emails can increase open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%, enhancing the overall effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Agency
Marketing Strategy

How It Works?

Initial Consultation

Discuss your brand, goals, and the message you want to convey.

Creative Briefing

Our team creates a tailored script and storyboard that aligns with your objectives.


We bring the storyboard to life with prime time quality graphics and professional editing.

Review and Refine

You review the initial draft and request any necessary adjustments.

Final Delivery

Receive your high-impact VideoAd, ready to broadcast.

See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

Because It’s Our Customers That Matter Most.

Listen To What Our Customers Say…

Arron - Even Financial

​​​​​​​Australian Marketing Funnels has done an absolutely amazing job with the video she made for my business, Even Financial. I was looking for something short, sharp and clear in the messaging and she has certainly delivered. I would recommend their services to anyone looking for something that will enhance their online presence. Great job, and thank you again.!

Nigel - Sterling Edge 

Absolutely thrilled with the video advert provided by Australian Marketing Funnels! It perfectly captures the essence of our business and will significantly boost our online presence. Professionalism, creativity, and exceptional service - definitely worthy of 5 stars!

Yvette - Ethical Training

What an amazing video. I'm impressed with how the video explains my company and is visually appealing. Such a great group to work with. Australian Marketing funnels really took the time to listen to my ideas and bring them to life. Thanks!

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Discover the Unique Benefits of Our Marketing Services

Targeted Marketing Strategies

We craft targeted marketing strategies that resonate with your audience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Creative Advertising Campaigns

Our creative advertising campaigns stand out and capture attention, helping your brand stand out in a crowded market.

Expert Marketing Guidance

Our team provides expert marketing guidance to ensure your business makes the most of every opportunity.

Data-Driven Approach

We utilize a data-driven approach to optimize marketing campaigns, ensuring maximum return on investment.

Custom VideoAds

We offer custom videoads tailored to your business needs, creating compelling visual content to engage your audience effectively.

Marketing Strategy

Our Commitment to Your Marketing Success

Advertising Agency

Delivering Excellence Every Step of the Way

At Australian Marketing Funnels, we are committed to delivering exceptional results and providing unparalleled support to help your business thrive. Contact us now to experience the difference.

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